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Огнеупорное торкретирование Литое набивное торкретирование Сталелитейный завод

1.Простая установка
2.Low Rebound Rate
3.High Temp Resistance
4.Excellent Corrosion Resistance

Описание продукта

Gunning castable utilises specially selected raw materials including specific aggregate sizing, clays, cement and additives to ensure ease of placement by gunning methods. It can highly reduce installation time, cost and provide performance as good as refractory bricks and casting type castable. The gunning castable is a tendency in the future, it can highly save the construction time because you do not need to wait for the cooling of the operating area.


Элемент LAGC60 LAGC75 LAGC80 LAGC85
Рабочая температура ℃ 1550 1600 1650 1700
Bulk Density (г/см3) 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.7
(Высушен при 110 ℃)
ККС 110℃ 30 40 50 70
(МПа) 1100℃ 25 35 40 60
1500 ℃ 40 55 60 85
МОР 110℃ 8 9 11 12
(МПа) 1100℃ 7 8 10 11
1500℃ 9 10 12 14
Максимальный размер зерна (мм) 5 5 5 5
Химический анализ(%)
Al2O3 60 75 80 85
Fe2O3 2.6 2.5 2 1.8
Rebound Rate(%) 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10



Steel Industry,Energy Industry,Building Materials.It serves as a protective layer on the inner surface of blast furnace and hot blast furnace shells, as well as a working lining for blast furnace heads, coal gas outlet pipe, and dust collectors.
