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Fiber Wool Modules

Тип Термостойкий материал
Особенность Долговременные материалы
Материал Aluminium Silicate Ceramic Fiber
Рефрактерность (℃) 1260c-1430c

Описание продукта

наименование товара модули из волокнистой шерсти
Temeprature 1260с, 1350с, 1430с
MOQ 1ton
Tensile Strength 0.04 МПа
Транспортный пакет тканые мешки/картонные коробки
Спецификация 300x300x300/250/200mm, Customized.
Плотность 300-500кг/м3
Package with Pallets
Производственная мощность 2000тонн/год
Приложение Теплоизоляция,Furnance,Furnance Lining

Ceramic fiber wool modules are made from ceramic fibers that are spun from a combination of alumina and silica, as well as other additives such as zirconia or chromia, depending on the specific application. The fibers are then compressed and formed into modules, which can be square or rectangular in shape, with dimensions that can vary depending on the specific application.

Ceramic fiber moduels insulation offer excellent thermal insulation properties, as they have a very low thermal conductivity and can withstand high temperatures up to 1260°C (2300°F) or higher, depending on the specific type of ceramic fiber used. They are designed to be lightweight and easy to install, and they can be easily cut to fit various shapes and sizes.

ceramic fiber moduels insulation

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