

种类 高纯度陶瓷纤维根据您的要求
制造技术 喷丝地毯
化学成分 Al2O3.SiO2
温度分类 1400℃, 1260℃, 1050℃


产品名称 陶瓷纤维毛毯
长度 根据您的要求
厚度 0.5~6mm
宽度 610毫米/1220毫米
运输包 编织袋或纸箱
规格 6mm-50mm厚度
密度 96公斤/立方米, 128公斤/立方米
交货时间 之内 20 天
生产能力 20000吨/年
用法 高温绝缘材料

Ceramic fiber wool blanket is a type of insulation material commonly used in high temperature applications, 如工业炉, 窑炉, 和烤箱. It is made from ceramic fibers which are spun and then formed into a blanket-like material. Ceramic fiber wool blankets are lightweight, 灵活的, and have excellent insulating properties, making them ideal for use in a variety of industries.

陶瓷纤维毯 are able to withstand temperatures up to 2300°F (1260摄氏度) and are resistant to thermal shock. They are also highly resistant to chemicals and do not absorb moisture, making them suitable for use in harsh chemical environments. 此外, ceramic fiber wool blankets have low thermal conductivity, which means they can effectively reduce heat loss and energy consumption.
