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1430C Одеяло из керамического волокна

Добрый Обычное керамическое волокно
Технология изготовления Спрей Шелковый Ковер
Химический состав Al2O3, SiO2
Температурная классификация 1260℃, 1050℃, 1430

Описание продукта

наименование товара 1430C Одеяло из керамического волокна
Сертификаты ИСО9001, Ce, и т. д.
Объемная плотность(г/см3) 96-160
Теплопроводность 0.09-0.76
Транспортный пакет Морской деревянный поддон
Спецификация 7200x610x25mm/3600x610x50mm
Working Temperature 1050-1350
Срок поставки В пределах 20 Дни
Производственная мощность 20000rolls/Year
Применение Высокотемпературный изоляционный материал

A 1430°C ceramic fiber blanket is a type of insulation material that is designed to withstand extremely high temperatures up to 1430°C (2600°F). It is made from high-purity alumina-silica-zirconia ceramic fibers that are spun and then needled to form a flexible and lightweight blanket. The ceramic fibers used in these blankets are specifically chosen for their ability to withstand the high temperatures and harsh environments found in industries such as steel production, glass manufacturing, and petrochemical refining.

The future of 1430C Ceramic Fiber Blanket Manufacturer looks promising, as they continue to be widely used in high-temperature insulation applications due to their excellent insulation properties, низкая теплопроводность, and high thermal stability. Однако, there is ongoing research and development in the industry to improve the performance and durability of these materials. For example, there are efforts to reduce the potential health risks associated with exposure to ceramic fibers by developing safer production and handling techniques.

1430C Ceramic Fiber Blanket Manufacturer

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